Our Partners

Bank of America

Our founding partner Bank of America  (BoA) is a valued champion for Business for Impact, and a major global exemplar of corporate social and environmental responsibility.
In partnership with Bank of America, Business for Impact brings world-class leaders to Georgetown’s campus – BonoWarren BuffetKen Burns, and more – as part of our signature Leadership Series. Also, Bank of America underwrites our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) lecture series, featuring leading executives on the front lines of creating shared value and driving social, environmental, and economic impact.
To put students at the center of every initiative, Bank of America provides generous support for internships and fellowships for Business for Impact Student Leaders to pursue careers impacting the triple bottom line – people, planet, and profit.

New Strategies Partners

New Strategies is an advanced education program unlike any other program for nonprofit leaders. Focusing exclusively on how to bolster and manage revenue for growth and success, New Strategies begins with an intensive, four-day forum that is the gateway to an ongoing support system of practical ideas that work.





Bristol Meyers





General mills

J.P. Morgan



NY life



Northwestern Mutual



Procter and gamble





United Healthcare

US Bank



AB InBev Partners

Partnering with the AB InBev Foundation, we are working on advancing the Foundation’s Global Smart Drinking Goals — a set of programs and initiatives focused on shifting social norms, consumer behaviors, and business practices — in order to make a tangible contribution to the reduction of harmful use of alcohol globally.

AB inbev

Portion Balance Coalition Collaborators

The Portion Balance Coalition (PBC) is a multi-sector collaborative whose members have come together to identify, co-create, and implement demand- and supply-side innovations in support of a balanced, healthy diet.

Healthier gen logo

Ambev logo

American cancer logo

AFFI logo

Heart logo

Bread for the city logo

American center for the public interest logo

Compass group logo

ConscienHealth logo

DC hunger solutions logo

Ferrero logo

Food Marketing Institute logo

General Mills logo

Hudson Institute logo

IFIC logo

Kraft Heinz Company logo

Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy logo

National Confectioners Association logo

NCL logo

National Restaurant Association

Nestle logo

NY academy of medicine logo

partnership for a healthier america

Pepsi logo

Rand logo

Real food america logo

Red bull logo

Share our strength logo

Silver Diner logo

Subway logo

Unilever logo

General Partners

NDPI logo

VF logo